8th Grade Students Create Middle School Library

TBS 8th graders took matters into their own hands when they saw an opportunity one Thursday afternoon: newly freed-up space with lots of potential, an interest in expanding the library, and some free time. What became the multi-week Middle School Library project was...

The TBS Mission

by Mitch Bostian At The Berkeley School, our mission – ignite curious minds, awaken generous hearts, engage a changing world – guides and connects everything from the everyday interactions among students, teachers and learning environments to our academic program...

One Year Later

by Mitch Bostian One year ago this week, our school closed both campuses, in hopes that we could return after spring break. One year ago, teachers and families had just completed their spring conferences – two days when almost...
The TBS Mission

The TBS Mission

by Mitch Bostian At The Berkeley School, our mission – ignite curious minds, awaken generous hearts, engage a ...
One Year Later

One Year Later

by Mitch Bostian One year ago this week, our school closed both campuses, in hopes that we could return after ...
The Census and Democracy

The Census and Democracy

By Adrian W., Jack S. and Malcolm A. The census is the U.S. government’s way of determining the population of ...
Gerrymandering FAQs

Gerrymandering FAQs

By Evan B. and Lucas C.   What is gerrymandering? Gerrymandering is a strategy a political party uses to ...
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

As we read and react to the horrific events happening in Minneapolis and around the country, we are holding in our ...